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nice game. How did you make the gifs for this game's page? what program? I would like something similar for mine.


One of the biggest strenghts of programing in PICO-8 is a button to record a gif of the last 8 seconds of gameplay. For the cover of the game, I overlayed the title over a gif I recorded on Aseprite. To record gifs outside of PICO is something I havent done yet, so Im afraid I cant be of much help there.

Well, kind of makes me want to use PICO-8 lol


Awesome game. It’s an outstanding play on a Steam Deck.

I love the “detachable” option mechanic. Visuals are fantastic too. I keep dying because I try to appreciate (and reverse-engineer) the visuals while I play, lol.

Great game 

is the copy in /splore the full game? is source code?

Yes! and the pngs are the cart images. 


Wow, that's excellent!


I love the difficulty; it took me 5 or 10 tries to finally beat the boss. and then there was more! great game


Love it!



(1 edit) (+1)

Whew! That's excellent. 

Any chance you might add the png files to the downloads? Would love to play on my handheld.

Nice! Purchased!